947 research outputs found

    Implementação de Aerogeradores em Unidades/Órgãos da Força Aérea

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    Com a realização desta investigação pretende-se averiguar em que medida é que a Força Aérea Portuguesa poderá beneficiar da implantação de equipamentos eólicos, nas suas instalações. A evolução tecnológica ocorrida desde a revolução industrial levanta sérias consequências para o planeta, devido à procura crescente e constante da sociedade moderna. Efectivamente, após a revolução industrial, a utilização massiva dos combustíveis indutores do efeito de estufa cresceu exponencialmente, provocando o aquecimento global, com os graves impactos que esse facto representa. Para responder com assertividade à actual situação, poderão ser implementadas diversas medidas na vertente do uso racional da energia, na eficiência energética e na produção de energia a partir de fontes renováveis, como sejam: solar, geotérmica, biomassa, oceanos, hidrogénio, hídrica e eólica. Portugal, apesar de continuar dependente do exterior, em termos energéticos, está numa posição cimeira em termos ambientais e energéticos, tendo inclusivamente atingido as metas impostas pela União Europeia, para 2010, relativamente à produção de energia com recurso a fontes renováveis. A Força Aérea Portuguesa tem envidado esforços no sentido de contribuir para a consecução das metas nacionais, nomeadamente através de medidas com vista a aumentar a eficiência energética nas suas instalações. Os estudos de viabilidade, para a implementação de geradores eólicos, em Unidades da Força Aérea Portuguesa, forneceram dados importantes para a realização desta investigação. Abstract: With the attainment of this investigation it is intended to ascertain in what way the Portuguese Air Force will benefit from the implementation of wind equipment, for electrical power generation. The technological evolution occurred since the industrial revolution raises serious consequences for the planet, due to the constant and growing demand of the modern society. Effectively, after the industrial revolution, the massive usage of fuel that induces the greenhouse effect grew exponentially, causing the global warming, with the severe impacts that that fact represents. In order to answer assertively to the current situation, some measures can be implemented in the perspective of the rational use of energy, towards achieving energy efficiency and production of energy from renewable sources, as be: solar, geothermal, biomass, oceans, hydrogen, water and wind. Portugal, despite of still being dependent from the outside, in terms of energy, is in a prominent position in the environmental and energy perspective, having, inclusively, reached the European Union 2010 imposed goals, relatively to the output of energy with resource to renewable springs. The Portuguese Air Force has endeavored efforts in the way to contribute for the attainment of national goals, namely through measures with an aim to increase the energy efficiency in its installations. The feasibility studies, for the implementation of wind generators, carried out in Portuguese Air Force bases, supplied important facts for the execution of this investigation

    Common Spaces: Multi-Modal-Media Ecosystem for Live Performances

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    Common Spaces is an interface for real-time media convergence and live performance combining media, applications and devices. A multimodal media ecosystem was designed to respond to the requirement of a specific performance — how to mix multiple applications into a single environment. This collaborative environment provides a flexible interface for performers to negotiate, share, and mix media, applications, and devices. Common Spaces is a framework based on interoperability and data flow, a network of virtual wires connecting applications that “talk” to each other sharing resources through technologies such as OSC or Syphon. With this approach, media designers have the freedom to choose a set of applications and devices that best suit their needs and are not restricted to a unique environment. We have implemented and performed with this ecosystem in live events, demonstrating its feasibility. In our paper we describe the project's concept and methodology. In the proposed performance we will use the Digital Archive of Portuguese Experimental Literature (www.po-ex.net) as a framework, appropriating its database assets, remixing its contents, as well as the techniques and methods they imply, stimulating the understanding of the archive as variable and adaptable. These digital re-readings and re-codings of experimental poems further highlight the importance of the materialities of experimental writing, integrating self-awareness in the modes of exchanges between literature, music, animation, performance, and technology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Common Spaces: Multi-Modal-Media Ecosystem for Live Performances

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    Common Spaces is an interface for real-time media convergence and live performance combining media, applications and devices. A multimodal media ecosystem was designed to respond to the requirement of a specific performance — how to mix multiple applications into a single environment. This collaborative environment provides a flexible interface for performers to negotiate, share, and mix media, applications, and devices. Common Spaces is a framework based on interoperability and data flow, a network of virtual wires connecting applications that “talk” to each other sharing resources through technologies such as OSC or Syphon. With this approach, media designers have the freedom to choose a set of applications and devices that best suit their needs and are not restricted to a unique environment. We have implemented and performed with this ecosystem in live events, demonstrating its feasibility. In our paper we describe the project's concept and methodology. In the proposed performance we will use the Digital Archive of Portuguese Experimental Literature (www.po-ex.net) as a framework, appropriating its database assets, remixing its contents, as well as the techniques and methods they imply, stimulating the understanding of the archive as variable and adaptable. These digital re-readings and re-codings of experimental poems further highlight the importance of the materialities of experimental writing, integrating self-awareness in the modes of exchanges between literature, music, animation, performance, and technology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Retention and acquisition of corporate and institutional banking talents in Portugal

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    This study explores the job satisfaction of employees of an European bank Portuguese branch office. It aims at providing: (i) a relation between job satisfaction and turnover willingness; (ii) an understanding of the differences in satisfaction factors between Millennials and older working generations; and (iii) how to increase person-organization fit during recruitment, increasing the retention rate. Several focus groups were conducted, with the gathered data being displayed through systematic coding. In total this focus groups were comprised of 56 participants, representing 14% of the total population (400). Of these participants, 29 were Millennials, which allowed for a generational comparison when it came to understanding how different satisfaction factors impacted people of different ages. The results of this seem to show that as job satisfaction decreases, turnover willingness increases, illustrating that the reasons for dissatisfaction of employees are connected with the characteristics they look for in other organizations. With employees thinking of other organizations as more attractive their natural tendency will be to want to leave, this willingness having already been proved to be connected to effective turnover rates by several experts. Furthermore, this study, illustrates the differences in satisfaction factor between Millennials and older generations, namely when talking about “Career Development”, “Leadership and immediate responsible”, and “Communication”. Lastly, this study high-lights that Millennials’ characteristics as tech-savviness, and social media awareness directly translate on what they expect in terms of communication from recruiting firms, and on how these can be used to develop a better person-organization fit during the recruitment process

    Ryanair Holdings PLC : equity valuation research

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    Ryanair Holdings PLC is an airline, offering short-haul services between UK, Ireland, Continental Europe and Morocco. They offer it through a single route scheduling system, providing an ultra-low fare without connections. They carry more than 131 million of customers per year with more than two thousand flights every day. This dissertation presents an Equity Valuation of Ryanair Holdings PLC, the European leader in terms of commercial aviation and one of the most international companies in Ireland. It will provide a deeper analysis of the company in order to apply two different valuation methods: Discounted Cash Flow and Relative (or Multiples) Valuation. Afterwards, there will be a comparison between this dissertation and an equity research from Credit Suisse.Ryanair Holdings PLC é uma companhia aérea que oferece voos de curta duração entre o Reino Unido, a Irlanda, o continente europeu e Marrocos. A Ryanair oferece este serviço através de um sistema singular, proporcionando um conjunto de tarifas de baixo custo sem a possibilidade de efetuar escalas. A companhia transporta mais de 131 milhões de passageiros por ano com mais de dois mil voos todos os dias. Esta dissertação apresenta uma avaliação da empresa Ryanair Holdings PLC, a líder europeia em termos de aviação comercial e uma das empresas mais internacionais na Irlanda. Será realizada uma análise completa da empresa de forma a aplicar dois métodos de avalição diferentes: Discounted Cash Flow e Avaliação Relativa (ou por Múltiplos). Após a avaliação, será realizada uma comparação entre esta dissertação e um relatório do Credit Suisse

    The Snow White effect: how food colour saturation impacts food likeability and perceived weight

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    We live surrounded by colours, either by the objects we see, or by what nature has been busy painting, such as food. Colours can influence consumers' perceptions and behaviours, particularly regarding food perception and selection, as evidenced by numerous studies described in the literature. However, there is a gap in the investigation of one specific colour attribute - colour saturation - and its impact on the psychological mechanisms that impact food preferences. In this experimental study we investigated how colour saturation of foods and objects influences their perceived weight and likeability and explore if there is a mediational effect of the perceived weight on the likeability. Participants (n = 48) were exposed to images of edible (natural and cooked) and inedible products, with two levels of colour saturation (high vs. low), and indicated, on a scale, the likeability and perceived weight of the products. Then, simulations of real consumer situations were introduced, as well as a task to assess the perceived healthiness of some edible products with both levels of colour saturation. Our results suggest that the colour saturation of food, but not of objects, significantly affects the likeability, playing a critical role in food preference, since participants like more highly saturated foods, whether they are natural or cooked. In contrast, colour saturation does not influence the perceived weight, making its mediating effect on likeability unfeasible. Also, there was no significant effect of colour saturation on the perceived healthiness. This research, besides ensuring experimental control and focusing on the colour attribute less explored in the literature, allows, through the results obtained, to inform initiatives that promote, by manipulating the colour saturation of foods, a positive and sustainable impact on our health and environment.Vivemos rodeados por cores, quer pelos objetos que vemos, quer pelo que a natureza teve função de pintar, como os alimentos. As cores influenciam as perceções e os comportamentos dos consumidores, incluindo as preferências e decisões alimentares, tal como evidenciado em inúmeros estudos descritos na literatura. Todavia, existe uma lacuna na investigação de um dos atributos específicos da cor - a saturação - e o seu impacto nos mecanismos psicológicos subjacentes às preferências alimentares. Neste estudo experimental investigámos de que forma a saturação da cor de alimentos e objetos, influencia a sua gostabilidade e peso percebido. Explorámos, também, o papel mediador do peso percebido nessa gostabilidade. Os participantes (n = 48) viram imagens de produtos comestíveis (naturais e confecionados) e não comestíveis, com dois níveis de saturação da cor (alto vs. baixo) e indicaram, numa escala, a gostabilidade e peso percebido dos produtos. Posteriormente, foram introduzidas duas simulações de situações reais de consumo e a avaliação da perceção de saudabilidade de produtos comestíveis nos dois graus de saturação. Os resultados sugerem que a saturação da cor dos alimentos, mas não dos objetos, afeta significativamente a perceção de gostabilidade, sendo que os participantes gostam mais de alimentos altamente saturados, independentemente de serem naturais ou confecionados. Em contrapartida, a saturação da cor não influencia o peso percebido, inviabilizando o seu efeito mediador na gostabilidade. Também, não foi verificado um efeito significativo da saturação da cor na saudabilidade percebida. Esta investigação, além de primar pelo controlo experimental e focar-se no atributo da cor menos estudado na literatura permite, através dos resultados obtidos, informar iniciativas que promovam, através da manipulação da saturação da cor, um impacto positivo e sustentável na nossa saúde e ambiente

    Schwarzschild-like black holes: Light-like trajectories and massless scalar absorption

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    Black holes are among the most intriguing objects in nature. They are believed to be fully described by General Relativity (GR), and the astrophysical black holes are expected to belong to the Kerr family, obeying the no-hair theorems. Alternative theories of gravity or parameterized deviations of GR allow black hole solutions, which have additional parameters other than mass and angular momentum. We analyze a Schwarzschild-like metric, proposed by Johannsen and Psaltis, characterized by its mass and a deformation parameter. We compute the absorption cross section of massless scalar waves for different values of this deformation parameter and compare it with the corresponding scalar absorption cross section of the Schwarzschild black hole. We also present analytical approximations for the absorption cross section in the high-frequency regime. We check the consistence of our results comparing the numerical and analytical approaches, finding excellent agreement.Comment: 8 pages, 14 figure

    Educación ambiental y para el desarrollo sostenible en la formación de graduados en educación

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    Os documentos produzidos no âmbito de diversas conferências internacionais têm salientado a importância que as universidades assumem na promoção da Educação Ambiental (EA) e da Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (EDS), sugerindo que devem, por um lado, desenvolver investigação nestes domínios e, por outro, reorientar os planos de estudos dos seus cursos, de forma a incluírem estas temáticas. Decorrentes destas orientações, reforçadas pelos documentos que suportam a proclamação da Década das Nações Unidas para a EA e a EDS, diversas universidades implementaram essa recomendação, em alguns casos criando disciplinas nessas áreas. Em Portugal, isso aconteceu na Universidade do Minho, que passou a incluir a disciplina de Educação e Desenvolvimento Sustentável no plano de estudos da licenciatura em Educação. Pretende-se que, após a frequência desta disciplina, os alunos, futuros Técnicos Superiores de Educação, sejam capazes de efetuar o diagnóstico de problemas socioeconomicos e ambientais, bem como de analisar e propor ações educativas capazes de minorá-los e/ou evitá-los. A investigação que aqui se relata analisa a evolução das conceções sobre EA e EDS, bem como a satisfação das expectativas de alunos daquele curso de graduação em Educação em face de questões a abordar em uma disciplina de EDS.Documents produced within the scope of several international conferences have enhanced the importance of universities with regard to the promotion of Environment Education (EE) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). According to those documents, universities should develop research on those domains as well as reorganize their curricula in order to include those issues. In order to attend those guidelines which are stressed by the documents that support the United Nations Declaration on ESD, several universities have put into practice that recommendation by creating some courses on those issues. In Portugal, this has happened at the University of Minho that included a course on Education and Sustainable Development in the undergraduate programme in Education. The goal is that students that graduate from this programme are able to diagnose socioeconomic and environmental problems as well as to critically analyse and design educational actions to reduce or prevent them. The research reported in this paper aims at analysing the evolution of students’ conceptions on EE and on ESD, as well as the fulfillment of their expectations regarding the questions to be approached in an under graduation ESD course.Los documentos producidos en el ámbito de diversas conferencias internacionales han evidenciado la importancia de las universidades en la promoción de la Educación Ambiental (EA) y de la Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible (EDS), sugiriendo que deben, por un lado, desarrollar investigación en estos dominios y, por otro, reorientar los planos de estudio de sus titulaciones, de forma a incluir estas temáticas. En función de estas orientaciones, reforzadas por los documentos que sustentan la proclamación de la Década de las Naciones Unidas para la EDS, diversas universidades implementaron esa recomendación en algunas carreras, creando asignaturas en esas áreas. En Portugal, eso sucedió en la Universidade do Minho, al incluir la asignatura de Educación y Desarrollo Sostenible en el currículo de la Licenciatura en Educación. Se pretende que, los estudiantes – futuros Técnicos Superiores de Educación, sean capaces de efectuar el diagnóstico de problemas socioeconómicos y ambientales, así como de analizar y proponer acciones educativas capaces de minimizarlos y/o evitarlos. La investigación que aquí se relata analiza la evolución de las concepciones sobre EA y EDS, bien como la satisfacción de las expectativas de los estudiantes de aquella carrera frente a las cuestiones a abordar en una asignatura de EDS